Dave here. After the first couple of times I used
Rent Bark, I stopped seeing it as a program and more as a tool that would help me do anything!

I had a use for it already, I just didn't realize it. I was getting huge water bills from my rental buildings, larger than normal, so I knew there was a problem. I needed to get to the bottom of it quickly.

It was easier than I thought. After my brief chat with Andre, I was ready to give it a try. I was about to use Rent Bark in a way I never thought possible. I started out by choosing my call display number. I wanted my residents to recognize the number so they would answer the call without hesitation.

Then I picked the time of day I wanted to send out my message. I needed it to be a time when the greater majority of residents would likely be home.

Finally, the magic happened. I began to create a custom interactive message with the Outbound IVR feature that allowed me to set individual response options (using the numbers 1-9). So I recorded a message something like this: Do you have a leaky faucet? Press 1 for 'Yes' or press 2 for 'No'. Those residents that pressed 1 would then be directed to one of my staff who would ask where the leak was and schedule a time for maintenance.
I was able to source out the leaks and fix them, quicker than I thought possible, in turn saving my time and my money!

Leaving me more time to relax!
Contact Andre today and get your free time back! Or click on the link below to start your free trial, it's that easy!

Andre helped me get started and he can help you too.



Did you miss Dave's last message? Find it here:
Message 1 - Introducing Dave
Message 2 - No Building too Big, No Problem too Big
Message 3 - Making it Simple

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