After I saved the day by using Rent Bark to notify my residents about the water shut off, I decided to find other needs for Rent Bark.

It was coming time for our semi-annual Fire Alarm and Carbon Monoxide detector battery checks and maintenance. Before Rent Bark, I had to notify each unit individually. That cost me a lot of money and tied up my staff and myself organizing it all.

I immediately
logged into Rent Bark, found my lists and sent a message to each resident in each building to let them know a maintenance personnel was coming into the units.

It took minutes. Minutes! Something that used to tie up my day (sometimes days), was complete in a matter of minutes. What was even better was I was able to save my message so I could use that for the next set of routine maintenance.

I could have chosen to use the cool text ot speech feature if I didn't want to record my own message. It is really simple to use, I just type in my message and the automated system turns it into an audio message. Any message can be stored, so if you are in a hurry, you always have that option.

What really helps out is the savings. When I use Rent Bark, I am amazed at how much I can save!

Oh, I almost forgot! The Rent Bark system is intuitive and can discern between a live person and an answering machine! It will leave a message on an answering machine which really helps out. You can save about 70% on your routine expenses!

Andre helped me get started and he can help you too. See his contact info below.

Did you miss Dave's last message? Find it here:
Message 1 - Introducing Dave
Message 2 - No Building too Big, No Problem too Big

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