In previous messages we've discussed renters not paying rent on time and emergencies that may come up at your building. But what about those routine or monthly needs to contact residents?

Think about all the times you need to contact your residents: Alarm testing, routine maintenance such as smoke/carbon monoxide detector battery checks, and community events.

All that routine contacting costs you money. Now there is a
simple way you can eliminate the unnecessary and costly expenses:


.com today.

What can you expect from Rent Bark? Unbeatable cost savings!

Not only is our system designed to save you time, but many of its features will save you money too. Our simple text to speech feature will allow you to type your text and have our automated system turn it into an audio message. Plus, you can store all your messages and save them for repetitive use.

Additionally, the Rent Bark system is intuitive and can discern between a live person and an answering machine, leaving a message accordingly. So, your message will reach your contacts and save you about 70% on your routine expenses.

a meeting to discuss how Rent Bark can save you money today!

Bark you later,

Andre McNaughton

Gear and Founder


Did you miss our last message? Find it here:
Message 1 - A Simple Solution
Message 2 - Be A Hero For Your Residents

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